
collective intelligence中文是什么意思

  • 群体智慧
  • 群智慧



  • 例句与用法
  • Google s technology uses the collective intelligence of the web to determine a page s importance
  • The human society is facing different kinds of challenges in the new century , which are likely to be solved by collective intelligence
  • Often this sort of knowledge is widely dispersed and closely held , and most companies still have only a weak grasp of the breadth and depth of their collective intelligence
  • Reduces quality of decisions , which become limited to one perspective ; decision making starts lacking diversity , independence and decentralization , which are essential attributes of collective intelligence
  • With attic faith , collective intelligence , practical efforts and enterprising spirit , grg banking has achieved the rapid and sustainable growth in sales and revenue , becoming the leader of the industry
  • Knowledge management offers the enterprise a new way to realize the share of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge , through which the enterprise can integrate the collective intelligence to enhance its adaptive and innovative capability . in order to enforce the knowledge management , the enterprise should establish a mechanism to encourage the employee to participate the knowledge innovation and knowledge share , and then cultivates its innovative capability and collective creativity . productivit - y of knowledge is attributable to the development and dissemination of knowledge , which both are based on the mechanism of success of knowledge management . for this purpose , we should pay attention to such an important problem need to be solved : how to design an effective mechanism to encourage knowledge innovation and knowledge share according to the regularity of knowledge management
  • As the inevitable choice of enterprises to adapt to the knowledge - based economy development , knowledge management is a process of creating value for enterprises confronting the increasingly complicate changes of environment by taking advantage of collective intelligence to reinforce the ability of learning , contingency and innovation , which requires enterprises to apply various means , including organizing , culture , process , technique , strategy , and to establish the knowledge - respecting and talents - respecting culture environment gradually which will promote knowledge accumulation , share , diversion , and improve the inner and outer application of knowledge network
  • Finally , a fault diagnosis system of civil aircraft was developed on the jade platform , and realized the distributed cooperation diagnosis of many cbr - agents based on contract network , as the combination of the cbr method and the agent technology , the system has the properties of collective intelligence , good robustness and better fault tolerance
    最后,在jade平台上实现了采用合同网方式的多个cbragent分布式协作诊断,开发完成了民用飞机故障诊断系统, cbr推理方法及agent技术相结合的使用,使得该系统具有集体的智能性、较好的健壮性与容错性。
  • 百科解释
Collective intelligence is a theory that describes a type of shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making in bacteria, animals, and computer networks. The term appears in sociobiology, political science and in context of mass peer review and crowdsourcing applications.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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